Winter-Spring ~ OMC Adult Faith Formation
"Lord Teach Me to Prayer: Overcoming Difficulties in Prayer"
Presenter: Peter Andrastek
Tuesday, January 18 ~ 7:00 PM
This event will be in person in Church and Live streamed!
Are you experiencing boredom, doubt, or distractions in your prayer? Would you like to renew your prayer life? Come, open your heart to new experiences! Participate in our One-Night Parish Mission. Our Presenter, Peter Andrastek has worked in adult formation in the Church since 2003. He holds a master’s degree in Pastoral Theology from Ave Maria University. His experience includes preaching retreats, teaching theology and adult catechesis courses, being a guest lecturer at seminaries, and giving presentations and trainings for numerous parishes, dioceses, movements, and institutions in the Church. Peter currently advises a team that serves over 110 ministries around the world, including dioceses, parishes, and military bases. He lives in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin with his wife and eight children. Whatever your faith beliefs or traditions, you are invited, encouraged, welcomed and hoped for!
"Lord Teach Me to Prayer: Overcoming Difficulties in Prayer"
Presenter: Peter Andrastek
Tuesday, January 18 ~ 7:00 PM
This event will be in person in Church and Live streamed!
Are you experiencing boredom, doubt, or distractions in your prayer? Would you like to renew your prayer life? Come, open your heart to new experiences! Participate in our One-Night Parish Mission. Our Presenter, Peter Andrastek has worked in adult formation in the Church since 2003. He holds a master’s degree in Pastoral Theology from Ave Maria University. His experience includes preaching retreats, teaching theology and adult catechesis courses, being a guest lecturer at seminaries, and giving presentations and trainings for numerous parishes, dioceses, movements, and institutions in the Church. Peter currently advises a team that serves over 110 ministries around the world, including dioceses, parishes, and military bases. He lives in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin with his wife and eight children. Whatever your faith beliefs or traditions, you are invited, encouraged, welcomed and hoped for!
Laudato Si’ in Ordinary Time
Wednesdays, January 12 – February 16; 7:00 -8:30 PM
Zoom Gathering hosted by Jim & Donna Foley
Sponsored by OMC Climate Ministry
It begins with “Praise be to you, my Lord” and it ends with “Amen.” It can inspire, challenge, and even delight. It is Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’. Most Catholics have heard of it, but not too many of us have actually read it. Join OMC’s Climate Ministry for a virtual series on this letter written to us all. Six chapters. Six weeks. All in Ordinary Time. To participate email Jim and Donna Foley at [email protected].
Wednesdays, January 12 – February 16; 7:00 -8:30 PM
Zoom Gathering hosted by Jim & Donna Foley
Sponsored by OMC Climate Ministry
It begins with “Praise be to you, my Lord” and it ends with “Amen.” It can inspire, challenge, and even delight. It is Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’. Most Catholics have heard of it, but not too many of us have actually read it. Join OMC’s Climate Ministry for a virtual series on this letter written to us all. Six chapters. Six weeks. All in Ordinary Time. To participate email Jim and Donna Foley at [email protected].
Winter-Spring Spiritual Book Group Gatherings
Meets Third Thursday of the Month, 7:30 to 9:00 PM (Parish Center)
This group is open to anyone who wants to read a good book and join a discussion! You can come and go according to your schedule and the book you would like to read/discuss. Come as often you desire and your schedule permits. No registration required... just show up and enjoy! All are welcome! (Note: All books can be purchased on Amazon or Kindle)
Meets Third Thursday of the Month, 7:30 to 9:00 PM (Parish Center)
This group is open to anyone who wants to read a good book and join a discussion! You can come and go according to your schedule and the book you would like to read/discuss. Come as often you desire and your schedule permits. No registration required... just show up and enjoy! All are welcome! (Note: All books can be purchased on Amazon or Kindle)
- January 20 ~ Sabbatical by Michael D. O'Brien
- February 17 ~ Jordan Peterson, God and Christianity: The Search for a Meaningful Life by Christopher Kaczor & Matthew Petrusek
- March 17 ~ Helena by Evelyn Waugh
- April 21 ~ Four Mor Witnesses by Rod Bennett
- May 19 ~ TBD
- June 16 ~ TBD
Reach More Lenten Small Communities of Faith
Don’t do Lent Alone! Join a Small Group!
“Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” Hebrews 10:24
Perhaps you’ve tried to pray more or study Scripture for Lent in the past, only to fall short of your goal. But what if you had a supportive community this time? Join a small group and be encouraged this Lent. Small groups are facilitated by fellow parishioners and gather in a variety of locations or by Zoom to discuss life and faith, reflect on God’s Word together – applying the Sunday readings to daily life, and praying for and with one another. There are no teachers in small groups (except the Holy Spirit!), just friends seeking God together. Lent groups meet for 8 weeks, beginning the week of February 20. Interested? To register contact Sister Christine by FEBRUARY 13 at 215-247-0430 or [email protected]. All are welcome! Encourage a friend to join too!
Don’t do Lent Alone! Join a Small Group!
“Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” Hebrews 10:24
Perhaps you’ve tried to pray more or study Scripture for Lent in the past, only to fall short of your goal. But what if you had a supportive community this time? Join a small group and be encouraged this Lent. Small groups are facilitated by fellow parishioners and gather in a variety of locations or by Zoom to discuss life and faith, reflect on God’s Word together – applying the Sunday readings to daily life, and praying for and with one another. There are no teachers in small groups (except the Holy Spirit!), just friends seeking God together. Lent groups meet for 8 weeks, beginning the week of February 20. Interested? To register contact Sister Christine by FEBRUARY 13 at 215-247-0430 or [email protected]. All are welcome! Encourage a friend to join too!
St. Luke Productions Presents the Live Performance of
Tolton: From Slave to Priest
Sunday, February 27 - 7 PM - OMC Church
This live performance details the remarkable life of Fr. Augustus, Tolton, the first African American priest. This exceptional man escaped from slavery, was educated in a seminary in Rome, and went on to serve the poor in the United States. This powerful multi-media production is filled with music, drama, and inspiring performances. It brings a message of hope and healing for the wounds that plague our culture. All are welcome! Come and bring a friend!
Tolton: From Slave to Priest
Sunday, February 27 - 7 PM - OMC Church
This live performance details the remarkable life of Fr. Augustus, Tolton, the first African American priest. This exceptional man escaped from slavery, was educated in a seminary in Rome, and went on to serve the poor in the United States. This powerful multi-media production is filled with music, drama, and inspiring performances. It brings a message of hope and healing for the wounds that plague our culture. All are welcome! Come and bring a friend!
Lenten Stillness.... An Evening of Taizé Prayer
Date: TBD ~ 7:00 PM (OMC Church)
Enter into prayerful stillness and contemplation through this evening of Taizé prayer and music. Come with hearts open to meet God in the very depths of your soul, knowing our God is already there waiting.
Date: TBD ~ 7:00 PM (OMC Church)
Enter into prayerful stillness and contemplation through this evening of Taizé prayer and music. Come with hearts open to meet God in the very depths of your soul, knowing our God is already there waiting.
Wednesday, April 3 ~ 7 :30 PM ~ OMC Church
Experience this special Holy Week service of "darkness to light" as we gradually extinguish candles while listening to Scripture, singing, and praying leading up to Christ's passion and death.
Wednesday, April 3 ~ 7 :30 PM ~ OMC Church
Experience this special Holy Week service of "darkness to light" as we gradually extinguish candles while listening to Scripture, singing, and praying leading up to Christ's passion and death.
Climate Panel
"Why Environmental Justice is Justice:
How are All These Things Connected?"
Sunday, April 24 ~ 12:30 PM, OMC Parish Hall
Panelists: Michelle Dugan, Maurice Jones, & Gina Thomas
Sponsored by the OMC Climate Ministry
Join with others to explore important environmental issues of our times. Be inspired by three panelists who all bring their passion and experience to the topics at hand. Michelle Dugan is a mother and grandmother, and works with Catholic Relief Services as a volunteer with the Philly Advocacy Chapter. Maurice Jones is an advocate for reentry equality. He is co-founder of PAR Recycle whose mission is to reduce recidivism through electronics recycling by employing and hiring those formerly incarcerated. Gina Thomas, Esquire is an Assistant Counsel in the Governor's Office of General Counsel assigned to work for the Department of Environmental Protection Southeast Regional Office in Norristown, PA. Her practice focuses on radiation protection, safe drinking water, remediation of hazardous waste sites and hazardous waste cleanup. Come, listen, be inspired and grow in your knowledge and understanding of how to treasure and care for our Earth.
"Why Environmental Justice is Justice:
How are All These Things Connected?"
Sunday, April 24 ~ 12:30 PM, OMC Parish Hall
Panelists: Michelle Dugan, Maurice Jones, & Gina Thomas
Sponsored by the OMC Climate Ministry
Join with others to explore important environmental issues of our times. Be inspired by three panelists who all bring their passion and experience to the topics at hand. Michelle Dugan is a mother and grandmother, and works with Catholic Relief Services as a volunteer with the Philly Advocacy Chapter. Maurice Jones is an advocate for reentry equality. He is co-founder of PAR Recycle whose mission is to reduce recidivism through electronics recycling by employing and hiring those formerly incarcerated. Gina Thomas, Esquire is an Assistant Counsel in the Governor's Office of General Counsel assigned to work for the Department of Environmental Protection Southeast Regional Office in Norristown, PA. Her practice focuses on radiation protection, safe drinking water, remediation of hazardous waste sites and hazardous waste cleanup. Come, listen, be inspired and grow in your knowledge and understanding of how to treasure and care for our Earth.
Individual Spiritual Direction
Sister Christine is a certified Spiritual Director and is available to meet one-on-one for individual spiritual accompaniment. Generally, people meet once a month with a Spiritual Director. It is an opportunity to have someone help you listen more closely to where God is leading you in your life. Spiritual direction encourages a person to deepen their relationship with God and discern how that relationship impacts their everyday lives. In the midst of a busy life it is sometimes difficult to notice God’s action. Yet, at our deepest level, all of us long for a more conscious experience of God’s presence and love. Spiritual Direction can help us notice and embrace more fully God’s presence. This opportunity is open to people of all faith tradition. For additional information contact Sister Christine at 215-247-0430 or [email protected].
Sister Christine is a certified Spiritual Director and is available to meet one-on-one for individual spiritual accompaniment. Generally, people meet once a month with a Spiritual Director. It is an opportunity to have someone help you listen more closely to where God is leading you in your life. Spiritual direction encourages a person to deepen their relationship with God and discern how that relationship impacts their everyday lives. In the midst of a busy life it is sometimes difficult to notice God’s action. Yet, at our deepest level, all of us long for a more conscious experience of God’s presence and love. Spiritual Direction can help us notice and embrace more fully God’s presence. This opportunity is open to people of all faith tradition. For additional information contact Sister Christine at 215-247-0430 or [email protected].
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 - 9:00 - 11:00* am *Livestream Weekday Mass Schedule Monday-Friday: 7:00 am |
9 E Chestnut Hill Ave - Philadelphia PA, 19118 Phone 215-247-0430 * Fax 215-247-2506 Copyright © 2015 |
Saturday: 3:30-4:00 pm First Friday Eucharistic Adoration October- June Exposition: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Vespers & Benediction: 5:30 pm |