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Archived Updates can be found under ABOUT US > Parish Updates
OMC Update April 23, 2021
Celebrating the Sacraments:

Sunday Mass: Our regular Mass schedule continues with limited seating and our COVID-19 mitigation practices in place. The 4:30 PM Saturday Vigil Mass and the 9:00 AM Sunday Masses will be livestreamed. Click HERE for more information.
Reception of the Eucharist: We offer an opportunity to receive Communion after the Saturday 4:30 PM Livestream Mass until 6:00 PM and the after the 9:00 AM Livestream Mass on Sunday, until 10:30 AM. Please enter thru the main doors, wear a face covering, and use the hand sanitizer as you enter Church.
Confessions: Saturday 3:30 to 4:00 PM and Wednesday 7:00 to 8:00 PM.
Church Open: The Church will be open for personal prayer and confessions on Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:00 PM.
Daily Mass: Monday Thru Friday 7:00 AM
Making a Spiritual Communion (Click HERE): If you are unable to join us for Mass, you are invited to make a spiritual Communion.
Visual Mass Schedule for Children: This manipulative can be used with young children to help them follow the Mass. Simply print out to help your child move through the Mass and identify where we are in our prayer. Whether virtual or in-person it can be a great help for our young parishioners and a wonderful teaching tool! Click HERE for printout.
Reception of the Eucharist: We offer an opportunity to receive Communion after the Saturday 4:30 PM Livestream Mass until 6:00 PM and the after the 9:00 AM Livestream Mass on Sunday, until 10:30 AM. Please enter thru the main doors, wear a face covering, and use the hand sanitizer as you enter Church.
Confessions: Saturday 3:30 to 4:00 PM and Wednesday 7:00 to 8:00 PM.
Church Open: The Church will be open for personal prayer and confessions on Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:00 PM.
Daily Mass: Monday Thru Friday 7:00 AM
Making a Spiritual Communion (Click HERE): If you are unable to join us for Mass, you are invited to make a spiritual Communion.
Visual Mass Schedule for Children: This manipulative can be used with young children to help them follow the Mass. Simply print out to help your child move through the Mass and identify where we are in our prayer. Whether virtual or in-person it can be a great help for our young parishioners and a wonderful teaching tool! Click HERE for printout.

The Season of Easter: Easter time is the 50-day celebration that flows from the Triduum. It is the Church’s most ancient and most beautiful season. These are springtime days of blossoming orchards, of open windows, of the great gladness of the awakening earth. In times past, another word for Easter time was “Pentecost.” Now we use that word to mean the last day of Easter time, but “Pentecost” can mean “fifty days” or “fiftieth day.” The ascension of the Lord and the sending of the Holy Spirit are celebrated on two solemnities of the Season, but they also are celebrated throughout Easter time. We can’t really separate these wonders. The Lord’s incarnation, epiphany, passion, death, burial, resurrection, ascension and the gift of the Spirit are one mystery, called the “Paschal Mystery.”
OMC Parish Celebrates First Eucharist: On Saturday, May 1st we celebrate First Eucharist with our young parishioners who attend OMC Parish School, OMC PREP, Home School, and Our Lady of Mercy School. We also offer our blessings upon our young parishioners who celebrated First Eucharist throughout the year at Ancillae- Assumpta Academy, Norwood-Fontbonne Academy, and Waldron Mercy Academy.
Click HERE for a 1st Communion video |
OMC Parish Life:
Parish Offices: The parish office is open Monday thru Friday – 9 AM to 4 PM. Please call (215-247-0430) or email ([email protected]) Mary Cassidy for Mass intentions, certificates, letters, etc., which can be mailed or pick-up. We ask only 1 person be in the office at a time, that you wear a face covering when in the office and limit your stay to 10 minutes. The food pantry is available, call St Vincent de Paul Society (215-240-0430 - Ext 5) to arrange for food pickup.

Operation Rice Bowl: Throughout the Season of Easter, a basket is available in the Church vestibule to place your filled Operation Rice Bowl boxes and any other monetary contributions. It will take a lot of coins, dollars, and checks to fill it, but let’s try! We will continue to collect the Rice Bowl returns throughout the Easter Season. Donations may also be made online May Our Mother of Consolation’s Lenten generosity to Operation Rice Bowl deepen our Easter joy and may every parishioner have a full measure of the season’s blessings Click HERE for more information.

All teens in grades 8-12 are invited to our parish youth events.
Click HERE for our Teen Ministry Page, updates and teen gospel reflection.
Earth Day Event: OMC Teen Ministry Recycling Collection Next weekend, April 24 and 25, there will be a Recycling Collection on the Rectory Porch following all Masses to commemorate Earth Day. Please begin to stockpile pens, crayons, wine corks, soda tabs, and disposable contact cases.
2021 Scripture Challenge: Teens, how well do you know the Bible? Have you memorized any verses to share with others and for your own encouragement? Take our 2021 Scripture challenge. - click HERE for a video with the details. Raffle prizes will be given out at every event in 2021. Join the text list to be sent the verse every Sunday, check Instagram, or install the Verses app and join out group. Links are in the video description as well!
Click HERE for our Teen Ministry Page, updates and teen gospel reflection.
Earth Day Event: OMC Teen Ministry Recycling Collection Next weekend, April 24 and 25, there will be a Recycling Collection on the Rectory Porch following all Masses to commemorate Earth Day. Please begin to stockpile pens, crayons, wine corks, soda tabs, and disposable contact cases.
2021 Scripture Challenge: Teens, how well do you know the Bible? Have you memorized any verses to share with others and for your own encouragement? Take our 2021 Scripture challenge. - click HERE for a video with the details. Raffle prizes will be given out at every event in 2021. Join the text list to be sent the verse every Sunday, check Instagram, or install the Verses app and join out group. Links are in the video description as well!

OMC Cub Pack 1855: – Click HERE for the latest Wolf Pack Newsletter
Scout Emblem Presentation: On Saturday April 10, OMC Cub Pack 1855 participated in the Emblem Presentation Program Mass at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, with Auxiliary Bishop John McIntyre Presiding. The following OMC Cubs were recognized: Zach Bischoff, Sean Dolan, Ethan Monberg, Owen Pavelsky, John Santini, Joshua Shapit, John Sprandio, and Xavier Vereen. OMC Pack 1855 also received the Pope Pius VI National Catholic Unit Excellence Award. Finally, OMC Pack leader, Peter Amuso, received the St. John Neumann Emblem - a local Archdiocese of Philadelphia Catholic Committee on Scouting award, for those "who have served Catholic Scouting in an outstanding manner." We offer our congratulations to all our Cubs and our Pack leaders. Click HERE for gallery.
National Catholic Scouting Service Scholarships Available: - The National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS) awards seven service scholarships totaling $20,000. If you are a service oriented Catholic Scout, who is a high school senior, has received the Ad Altare Dei, Light is Life or Pope Pius XII award, and earned the Eagle Scout, Summit or Quartermaster Award you may qualify. Check the NCCS Website at for complete eligibility requirements and application information about the Emmett J. Doerr Memorial Scout Scholarship. Applications are due by March 31st, 2021.
Scout Emblem Presentation: On Saturday April 10, OMC Cub Pack 1855 participated in the Emblem Presentation Program Mass at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, with Auxiliary Bishop John McIntyre Presiding. The following OMC Cubs were recognized: Zach Bischoff, Sean Dolan, Ethan Monberg, Owen Pavelsky, John Santini, Joshua Shapit, John Sprandio, and Xavier Vereen. OMC Pack 1855 also received the Pope Pius VI National Catholic Unit Excellence Award. Finally, OMC Pack leader, Peter Amuso, received the St. John Neumann Emblem - a local Archdiocese of Philadelphia Catholic Committee on Scouting award, for those "who have served Catholic Scouting in an outstanding manner." We offer our congratulations to all our Cubs and our Pack leaders. Click HERE for gallery.
National Catholic Scouting Service Scholarships Available: - The National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS) awards seven service scholarships totaling $20,000. If you are a service oriented Catholic Scout, who is a high school senior, has received the Ad Altare Dei, Light is Life or Pope Pius XII award, and earned the Eagle Scout, Summit or Quartermaster Award you may qualify. Check the NCCS Website at for complete eligibility requirements and application information about the Emmett J. Doerr Memorial Scout Scholarship. Applications are due by March 31st, 2021.

OMC Climate Ministry: It’s tempting to start the new year with lists and lists of what we want to accomplish. However, Pope Francis has only one goal for us this year: create a culture of care. Such a culture would overcome “indifference, waste and confrontation,” and help all of us deepen our ecological conversion. Below you’ll find ways to get started on that goal this month by coming together with Catholics around the globe and helping create a world full of “fraternity and solidarity, of mutual support and acceptance.”
OMC Climate Ministry: It’s tempting to start the new year with lists and lists of what we want to accomplish. However, Pope Francis has only one goal for us this year: create a culture of care. Such a culture would overcome “indifference, waste and confrontation,” and help all of us deepen our ecological conversion. Below you’ll find ways to get started on that goal this month by coming together with Catholics around the globe and helping create a world full of “fraternity and solidarity, of mutual support and acceptance.”
- Monthly Laudato Si Prayer Services: Join in these Global Prayer Services every first Friday of the month to hear creation’s song, creation’s cry, and creation’s invitation. Throughout these prayer services we will have a guest's reflection, scripture reading and prayers of the faithful. We look forward to praying with you. Live interpretation available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Click HERE to register.

2021 Catholic Charities Appeal: The 2021 Catholic Charities Appeal - Giving Hope to All is underway. For over 60 years the Appeal has served as a positive source for good in all facets of the Church in Philadelphia. The Catholic Charities Appeal brings hope where hope is needed most. From center city, to the suburbs, from the suburban communities to our most distressed communities, almost a million people each year receive hope through the Catholic Charities Appeal.
OMC parish 2021 goal: $78,762.
OMC Gifts to Date: $38,646 (49% of Goal)
Click HERE for more information. Click HERE for video.
OMC parish 2021 goal: $78,762.
OMC Gifts to Date: $38,646 (49% of Goal)
Click HERE for more information. Click HERE for video.

SSJ Welcome Center 1st Annual Golf Outing - May 24, 2021: The SSJ Welcome Center opened its doors in March 2003 to serve the needs of newcomers to the country and community. By offering English classes, computer skills classes, citizenship test preparation along with legal assistance, and other social services, we have helped more than 305 adult learners become naturalized citizens. We invite you to help us to continue our ministry to the immigrant community in the Kensington section of Philadelphia by participating in our 1st Annual Golf Outing on Monday, May 24, 2021, at Sandy Run Country Club. We are excited to venture in the golf world! Please consider sponsoring this exciting event. We thank you in advance for your interest and support. Click HERE for information. Click HERE to register or sponsor the event.

The Five Friday Series: St Paul's Episcopal Church is very pleased to bring this single virtual concert to St. Paul’s, after the COVID pandemic caused the cancellation of the entire five-concert season in 2020-2021. Since 2011 the Five Fridays series has raised funds to benefit two local organizations that combat hunger and homelessness in NW Philadelphia. Thanks to support from generous sponsors, all ticket revenue and donations from this concert will be shared between Face to Face Germantown and Philadelphia Interfaith Hospitality Network. Click HERE for Information & to purchase tickets.
Service Opportunities:
Take Back The Month: Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (CSS), is launching its, “Take Back the Month!” donation drive. This initiative aims to support women in need who experience obstacles to obtaining menstrual care and feminine hygiene products. Women with lack of proper access to feminine hygiene products due to financial hardship or homelessness suffer ill effects to their health and dignity each month. In addition, many women experiencing financial challenges stemming from the ongoing pandemic must choose to put other immediate needs and the needs of their family first such as purchasing food, diapers, and other basic essentials causing inadequate access to menstrual hygiene products for themselves. Those interested in helping can donate items online through YouGiveGoods at
All goods donated will help stock the shelves of CSS’ “Ladies Locker” pantries. CSS’ housing and social services programs benefitting from the collection include: Mercy Hospice and Mc Auley House; Women of Hope; Visitation Homes; Mercy Café; Chester City Coffee Club; as well as six Family Service Center’s across the five-county Philadelphia area. Donated items will also be distributed to CSS staff working directly with teenage populations. Click HERE for information
All goods donated will help stock the shelves of CSS’ “Ladies Locker” pantries. CSS’ housing and social services programs benefitting from the collection include: Mercy Hospice and Mc Auley House; Women of Hope; Visitation Homes; Mercy Café; Chester City Coffee Club; as well as six Family Service Center’s across the five-county Philadelphia area. Donated items will also be distributed to CSS staff working directly with teenage populations. Click HERE for information
Alpha Care Pregnancy Center: Alpha Care Center in West Philadelphia provides prenatal care, financial support, job training, supplies, mom support groups, and more, for moms and families in need. All of their services are 100% free and they don't turn anyone in need away. They empower women with the tools to embrace motherhood and still accomplish their goals. They have been hit hard over the past year. An OMC young adult parishioner, who is also an Alpha Care volunteer, is organizing an Amazon registry for supplies that Alpha Care needs in providing care to pregnant women and their families. Please consider purchasing items off the registry. Thank you so much for your support and God bless! Alpha Care Services - Click HERE. Amazon registry - Click HERE.
OMC Food Pantry: We are still collecting food for our sisters and brothers in need. You may leave your bags of non-perishable food items on the rectory porch whenever convenient. If you need food, or know of someone in need of food, please call the parish office 215-247-0430, press 7 when the auto-attendant service answers, and leave a message in the St. Vincent de Paul voice mail box. Thanks again, for helping us to meet the needs of our neighbors during this time of uncertainty and to our St Vincent de Paul Society for coordinating our efforts.
Caring for Friends – CFF (formerly Aid for Friends): Meals are still needed. You can drop off your frozen meals at the parish or a volunteer can pick them up from your home; please contact me to make arrangements. If you are interested in becoming involved as a volunteer cook, click HERE for information. This is a great opportunity for families to do service at home and to assist those in need. Laura McKenna, our OMC CFF coordinator, can assist you with getting you started. Click HERE to email Laura.
Caring for Friends – CFF (formerly Aid for Friends): Meals are still needed. You can drop off your frozen meals at the parish or a volunteer can pick them up from your home; please contact me to make arrangements. If you are interested in becoming involved as a volunteer cook, click HERE for information. This is a great opportunity for families to do service at home and to assist those in need. Laura McKenna, our OMC CFF coordinator, can assist you with getting you started. Click HERE to email Laura.
Faith Formation Opportunities:

The Miraculous Medal Shrine Presents - May Marian Series: The Motherhood of Mary: Our Blessed Mother has played a unique role in Church history, and for centuries, devotees have looked to her for motherly guidance. Many rely on her graces and intercessions as they make their journey toward Christ, her Son. Learn more about Mary, our Blessed Mother, by joining us every Friday in May as we delve into the life and motherhood of Mary as presented by sisters of the Daughters of Charity. Click HERE for information and to register.

A Vincentian Approach to the Virtues of St. Joseph. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has dedicated 2021 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of St. Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church. While little is known about this saint, his virtuous actions speak volumes as the ideal “provider and protector.” To celebrate the occasion, join us every Friday in March as the Shrine’s Vincentian priests delve into the life and personhood of St. Joseph in an intriguing series: “A Vincentian Approach to the Virtues of St. Joseph.” Click HERE for information
“EC Next Step”: Grow closer to God one step at a time! This is an innovative discipleship tool which offers individuals an opportunity to deepen their spirituality and call to discipleship through short modules which include input, short videos, questions and reflections on various topics. It is FREE and available to anyone through our parish Reach More subscription. To learn more and/or to sign visit
Revive Courses: An opportunity to grow in our Baptismal Call to leadership! The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is grateful to partner with Revive Parishes, an organization that provides online ministry training for parish leaders taught by the best and most experienced Catholic ministry practitioners in the country. WE ARE ALL PARISH LEADERS by virtual of our Baptism. Revive provides individuals with a way to enrich their own ministry in our world and in our parish so that they can more effectively care for others and “be the presence of Christ in our world.” To learn more and to start of FREE course visit:
Revive Courses: An opportunity to grow in our Baptismal Call to leadership! The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is grateful to partner with Revive Parishes, an organization that provides online ministry training for parish leaders taught by the best and most experienced Catholic ministry practitioners in the country. WE ARE ALL PARISH LEADERS by virtual of our Baptism. Revive provides individuals with a way to enrich their own ministry in our world and in our parish so that they can more effectively care for others and “be the presence of Christ in our world.” To learn more and to start of FREE course visit:

21-Day Racial Equity Challenge: For 21 days, we challenge you to enter into the complex work of understanding the realities of racial injustice and anti-Blackness in the U.S. The Ignatian Racial Equity Challenge is designed for all participants, regardless of race, ethnicity, prior anti-racism work, age or background and will include opportunities to learn, pray, and act on different themes of racial equity. Click HERE for more information
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia:

The Annual Archdiocesan
Cultural Heritage Mass
Saturday, April 24 - 2:30 PM
Cathedral Basilica of
Saints Peter & Paul

The Annual Archdiocesan Mass Honoring the Gifts of Persons with Disabilities: Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 3:00 pm at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul. Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez will be the principal celebrant and homilist. St. Christopher Parish Schola will provide the liturgical music. All are Welcome. To RSVP click here, email [email protected] or call the Office for Persons with Disabilities at 215-587-3530 with the number attending. Flyer link:
The Annual Archdiocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass - May 1, 2020: Are you celebrating a special anniversary this year? The annual Archdiocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass will take place on Saturday, May 1st, 2021 at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul at the 5:15 pm Vigil Mass with Archbishop Nelson Pérez presiding. This Mass will be commemorating all married couples who are newlyweds , or celebrating their 5, 10, 25 or 50 year wedding anniversary milestones. Wedding vows will be renewed. Friends and family are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please RSVP Here or call The Office for Life and Family at 215-587-0500. For information visit
People of Life Faith Formation Series: Join us at the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul as we explore the Church’s teachings on the urgent social issues of our day so as to be strengthened in our resolve to defend them and also be equipped to dialogue fruitfully with others. “Those who really desire a more human society need to begin with the root, not with the trunk and branches, of the tree of injustice.” –Pope Benedict XVI . Click HERE for information.

Year of St Joseph: In celebration of the 150th Anniversary of St Joseph being proclaimed the patron of the Universal Church, Pope Francis has declared a Year of St Joseph ( December 8, 2020 - December 8, 2021). You can read the Holy Father’s Apostolic Letter, Patris Corde, on Saint Joseph HERE. Click HERE for information from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Click HERE for an Introduction to the Year of St Joseph and a bi-monthly reflection on St. Joseph from Sr Marie O'Hagan, SSJ.
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 - 9:00 - 11:00* am *Livestream Weekday Mass Schedule Monday-Friday: 7:00 am |
9 E Chestnut Hill Ave - Philadelphia PA, 19118 Phone 215-247-0430 * Fax 215-247-2506 Copyright © 2015 |
Saturday: 3:30-4:00 pm First Friday Eucharistic Adoration October- June Exposition: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Vespers & Benediction: 5:30 pm |