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Archived Updates can be found under ABOUT US > Parish Updates
OMC Update January 15, 2021

Celebrating the Sacraments:
Sunday Mass: Our regular Mass schedule has resumed with limited seating and our COVID-19 mitigation practices in place. The 4:30 PM Vigil Mass and the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass will continue to be livestreamed. Click HERE for more information.
Reception of the Eucharist: We will continue to offer an opportunity to receive Communion after the Saturday 4:30 PM Livestream Mass until 6:00 PM and the after the 9:00 AM Livestream Mass on Sunday, until 10:30 AM. Please enter thru the main doors, wear a face covering, and use the hand sanitizer as you enter Church.
Confessions: Saturday 3:30 to 4:00 PM and Wednesday 7:00 to 8:00 PM
Church Open: The Church will be open for personal prayer and confessions on Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:00 PM.
Daily Mass: Monday Thru Friday 7:00 AM
Making a Spiritual Communion (Click HERE): If you are unable to join us for Mass, you are invited to make a spiritual Communion.
Visual Mass Schedule for Children: This manipulative can be used with young children to help them follow the Mass. Simply print out to help your child move through the Mass and identify where we are in our prayer. Whether virtual or in-person it can be a great help for our young parishioners and a wonderful teaching tool! Click HERE for printout
Sunday Mass: Our regular Mass schedule has resumed with limited seating and our COVID-19 mitigation practices in place. The 4:30 PM Vigil Mass and the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass will continue to be livestreamed. Click HERE for more information.
Reception of the Eucharist: We will continue to offer an opportunity to receive Communion after the Saturday 4:30 PM Livestream Mass until 6:00 PM and the after the 9:00 AM Livestream Mass on Sunday, until 10:30 AM. Please enter thru the main doors, wear a face covering, and use the hand sanitizer as you enter Church.
Confessions: Saturday 3:30 to 4:00 PM and Wednesday 7:00 to 8:00 PM
Church Open: The Church will be open for personal prayer and confessions on Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:00 PM.
Daily Mass: Monday Thru Friday 7:00 AM
Making a Spiritual Communion (Click HERE): If you are unable to join us for Mass, you are invited to make a spiritual Communion.
Visual Mass Schedule for Children: This manipulative can be used with young children to help them follow the Mass. Simply print out to help your child move through the Mass and identify where we are in our prayer. Whether virtual or in-person it can be a great help for our young parishioners and a wonderful teaching tool! Click HERE for printout

Martin Luther King, Jr Day of Service & Celebration (Jan 15-18): The MLK Day of Service encourages all Americans to improve communities through volunteer service. Despite the challenges created by COVID-19, nonprofits and communities have come together to develop new ways for volunteers to honor Dr. King through service, such as virtual projects. 2021 will mark the 26th celebration of the annual service event since Congress designated the MLK holiday the first ever National Day of Service. Click HERE for Service opportunities in the Philadelphia area. Click HERE for Information on the Archdiocesan Celebration

Philadelphia March For Life - Saturday January 23, 2021: More than 17,000 unborn children are being aborted in Greater Philadelphia annually. Come stand with us and give a voice to the unborn. What's going to make this event great... is YOU. Please invite at least one friend to join you at the march. Masks and social distancing will be required. For more information, please to visit the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia - Click HERE
March For Life - January 29, 2021: Join us for Mass in Philadelphia in solidarity with the National March for Life Celebrated by Archbishop Perez Friday, January 29th 10 AM. Click HERE for details.
Philadelphia March For Life - Saturday January 23, 2021: More than 17,000 unborn children are being aborted in Greater Philadelphia annually. Come stand with us and give a voice to the unborn. What's going to make this event great... is YOU. Please invite at least one friend to join you at the march. Masks and social distancing will be required. For more information, please to visit the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia - Click HERE
- 9:00 AM Mass - Archbishop Nelson Perez will kick off the day by celebrating Roman Catholic Mass at the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul. All are welcome!
- 10:30 AM March begins! We will begin our march at the Cathedral, and we will have many stops along our route, including the Philadelphia Women's Center where over 6,500 abortions are performed each year.
- 12:00 PM Rally and Speakers We will conclude the march with a rally at Independence Mall where you will get to listen to some incredibly compelling speakers to wrap up the day.
March For Life - January 29, 2021: Join us for Mass in Philadelphia in solidarity with the National March for Life Celebrated by Archbishop Perez Friday, January 29th 10 AM. Click HERE for details.

Year of St Joseph: In celebration of the 150th Anniversary of St Joseph being proclaimed the patron of the Universal Church, Pope Francis has declared a Year of St Joseph ( December 8, 2020 - December 8, 2021). You can read the Holy Father’s Apostolic Letter, Patris Corde, on Saint Joseph HERE. Click HERE for information from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
Year of St Joseph: In celebration of the 150th Anniversary of St Joseph being proclaimed the patron of the Universal Church, Pope Francis has declared a Year of St Joseph ( December 8, 2020 - December 8, 2021). You can read the Holy Father’s Apostolic Letter, Patris Corde, on Saint Joseph HERE. Click HERE for information from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

The 2021 Oblate Annual Appeal: The 2021 Oblate Annual Appeal is underway. Your gift to the Annual Appeal goes directly to educating our Oblate seminarians, assisting with our justice ministries, and providing for our retired Oblates. The Appeal will conclude on the weekend of January 23-24, as we celebrate the feast of Saint Francis de Sales. Our Oblate Provincial, Very Rev. Lewis Fiorelli, OSFS, will preside and preach at the 4:30 PM Vigil Mass. Thank you for your continued generosity to the Oblate community. Click HERE for information on the appeal.

OMC Climate Ministry: It’s tempting to start the new year with lists and lists of what we want to accomplish. But Pope Francis has only one goal for us this year: create a culture of care. Such a culture would overcome “indifference, waste and confrontation,” and help all of us deepen our ecological conversion. Below you’ll find two ways to get started on that goal this month by coming together with Catholics around the globe and helping create a world full of “fraternity and solidarity, of mutual support and acceptance.”
- Monthly Laudato Si Prayer Services: Join in these Global Prayer Services every first Friday of the month to hear creation’s song, creation’s cry, and creation’s invitation. Throughout these prayer services we will have a guest's reflection, scripture reading and prayers of the faithful. We look forward to praying with you. Live interpretation available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Click HERE to register.
- Season of Creation 2021 webinar - Thursday 21 January: With an eye on the 2021 Season of Creation, Christians worldwide will unite later this month to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Join one of the Vatican’s leading Laudato Si’ experts and high-level Christian leaders as they discuss how the global Christian family can work together to have a home for all. Thursday 21 January - 11:00 New York | 17:00 Rome | 19:00 Nairobi - Watch live on YouTube. Click HERE to RSVP

OMC Exceeds our 2020 CCA Goal - Thanks to all who supported our Catholic Charities Appeal, we have exceeded our Parish Goal of $78,762 by raising $83,136 to date! Together we have shared in the collective efforts of the Catholic Charities Appeal in “Giving Hope to All” by reaching our goal. Thank you for your continued generosity. Your kindness will support tens of thousands of people through countless organizations and ministries throughout the greater Philadelphia area.

All teens in grades 8-12 are invited to our parish youth events.
Click HERE for our Teen Ministry Page, updates and teen gospel reflection.
2021 Scripture Challenge: Teens, how well do you know the Bible? Have you memorized any verses to share with others and for your own encouragement? Take our 2021 Scripture challenge. - click HERE for a video with the details. Raffle prizes will be given out at every event in 2021. Join the text list to be sent the verse every Sunday, check Instagram, or install the Verses app and join out group. Links are in the video description as well!
OMC Cub Pack 1855: – Click HERE for the latest Wolf Pack Newsletter
All teens in grades 8-12 are invited to our parish youth events.
Click HERE for our Teen Ministry Page, updates and teen gospel reflection.
2021 Scripture Challenge: Teens, how well do you know the Bible? Have you memorized any verses to share with others and for your own encouragement? Take our 2021 Scripture challenge. - click HERE for a video with the details. Raffle prizes will be given out at every event in 2021. Join the text list to be sent the verse every Sunday, check Instagram, or install the Verses app and join out group. Links are in the video description as well!
OMC Cub Pack 1855: – Click HERE for the latest Wolf Pack Newsletter
Parish Offices: The parish office is open Monday thru Friday – 9 AM to 4 PM on a restricted basis. Please call (215-247-0430) or email ([email protected]) Mary Cassidy for Mass intentions, certificates, letters, etc., which can be mailed or pick-up. We ask only 1 person be in the office at a time, that you wear a face covering when in the office and limit your stay to 10 minutes. The food pantry is available, call St Vincent de Paul Society (215-240-0430 - Ext 5) to arrange for food pickup.

Faith Formation Opportunities:
Reach More Communities of Faith: OMC Parish will once again host small communities of faith that will be meeting via Zoom during this Lenten/Easter season. Our God is calling each of us into a deeper relationship with Jesus! Make the time! Be the difference our world needs us to be as people of faith, active disciples of Jesus on Mission! These virtual small communities of faith will begin the week of February 7. Be ready! Click HERE to join.
“EC Next Step”: Grow closer to God one step at a time! This is an innovative discipleship tool which offers individuals an opportunity to deepen their spirituality and call to discipleship through short modules which include input, short videos, questions and reflections on various topics. It is FREE and available to anyone through our parish Reach More subscription. To learn more and/or to sign visit
The Institute for Christian Formation: The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is launching The Institute for Christian Formation at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary on January 21, 2021 as a non-credit/non-degree program which will award a certificate upon completion of all sessions. This program is meeting the requests of an archdiocesan-wide survey which took place in 2017 to inquire about levels of interest in faith enrichment and graduate studies in Theology. The survey results were impressive in that the respondents expressed a desire for spiritual formation programs and both non-degree and graduate degree programs leading to an encounter with Jesus Christ. Click HERE for more information.
Revive Courses: An opportunity to grow in our Baptismal Call to leadership! The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is grateful to partner with Revive Parishes, an organization that provides online ministry training for parish leaders taught by the best and most experienced Catholic ministry practitioners in the country. WE ARE ALL PARISH LEADERS by virtual of our Baptism. Revive provides individuals with a way to enrich their own ministry in our world and in our parish so that they can more effectively care for others and “be the presence of Christ in our world.” To learn more and to start of FREE course visit:
Reach More Communities of Faith: OMC Parish will once again host small communities of faith that will be meeting via Zoom during this Lenten/Easter season. Our God is calling each of us into a deeper relationship with Jesus! Make the time! Be the difference our world needs us to be as people of faith, active disciples of Jesus on Mission! These virtual small communities of faith will begin the week of February 7. Be ready! Click HERE to join.
“EC Next Step”: Grow closer to God one step at a time! This is an innovative discipleship tool which offers individuals an opportunity to deepen their spirituality and call to discipleship through short modules which include input, short videos, questions and reflections on various topics. It is FREE and available to anyone through our parish Reach More subscription. To learn more and/or to sign visit
The Institute for Christian Formation: The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is launching The Institute for Christian Formation at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary on January 21, 2021 as a non-credit/non-degree program which will award a certificate upon completion of all sessions. This program is meeting the requests of an archdiocesan-wide survey which took place in 2017 to inquire about levels of interest in faith enrichment and graduate studies in Theology. The survey results were impressive in that the respondents expressed a desire for spiritual formation programs and both non-degree and graduate degree programs leading to an encounter with Jesus Christ. Click HERE for more information.
Revive Courses: An opportunity to grow in our Baptismal Call to leadership! The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is grateful to partner with Revive Parishes, an organization that provides online ministry training for parish leaders taught by the best and most experienced Catholic ministry practitioners in the country. WE ARE ALL PARISH LEADERS by virtual of our Baptism. Revive provides individuals with a way to enrich their own ministry in our world and in our parish so that they can more effectively care for others and “be the presence of Christ in our world.” To learn more and to start of FREE course visit:

Service Opportunities:
OMC Coat and Sweater Drive: Our coat and sweater drive is this weekend of January 16-17. Please being any new or gently used, clean coats for adults and children. Donations can be brought to the Church vestibule, place in the bin on the Rectory Porch. Thank you for helping to keep others warm this winter.
Diaper Drive. The OMC Peace and Justice Committee will be will be collecting diapers and baby wipes from Saturday, January 23 through Sunday, January 31, 2021 for moms and children in need. Please bring your donations to the Church vestibule before weekend Masses or you may place your donation in the bin on the Oblate Residence porch. “That’s how you bring about a change in the world, one diaper at a time.”
OMC Blood Donation Drive: On Saturday, January 30, 2021 from 9 AM till 2 PM, OMC will again host a Red Cross Blood Donation Drive. Every 2 seconds, somewhere in the US, someone needs blood products – 38,000 units of blood daily. Available blood products save lives. The need is especially great this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Click HERE for information.
The donor registration process will be entirely online at the Red Cross web site click HERE to register. Use the “Sponsor Code” OurMotherCH. Donors should report to the Parish Hall at the exact time specified online for your donation, wearing a face mask. The number of donors allowed into the Parish Hall at any one time will be limited by the Red Cross to allow safe social distancing. If you arrive too early, you may be asked to wait outside the Hall to be called in (please bring your cell phone). Temperatures of all donors will be checked. Hand sanitizer will be available –please use it. Donations will be tested for COVID-19 antibodies and donors will receive their results.
Walking with Moms in Need: This month, Our Mother of Consolation Parish is beginning a new ministry entitled “Walking with Moms in Need: A Year of Service.” As part of a nationwide Catholic diocesan initiative aimed at helping pregnant women and parenting moms in need, OMC is launching this ministry to provide local assistance, social services, and resources to women who are pregnant or have a child and are looking for somewhere to turn for help. Do you have a resource or a gift that you might share? Are you a mother or a nurse, lactation consultant, doula or therapist? Are you willing to become part of a growing bank of resources that we will offer to these mothers in need? If so, contact Sister Christine at [email protected] or call 215-247-0430.
OMC Food Pantry: We are still collecting food for our sisters and brothers in need. You may leave your bags of non-perishable food items on the rectory porch whenever convenient. If you need food, or know of someone in need of food, please call the parish office 215-247-0430, press 7 when the auto-attendant service answers, and leave a message in the St. Vincent de Paul voice mail box. Thanks again, for helping us to meet the needs of our neighbors during this time of uncertainty and to our St Vincent de Paul Society for coordinating our efforts.
Caring for Friends – CFF (formerly Aid for Friends): Meals are still needed. You can drop off your frozen meals at the parish or a volunteer can pick them up from your home; please contact me to make arrangements. If you are interested in becoming involved as a volunteer cook, click HERE for information. This is a great opportunity for families to do service at home and to assist those in need. Laura McKenna, our OMC CFF coordinator, can assist you with getting you started. Click HERE to email Laura.
OMC Coat and Sweater Drive: Our coat and sweater drive is this weekend of January 16-17. Please being any new or gently used, clean coats for adults and children. Donations can be brought to the Church vestibule, place in the bin on the Rectory Porch. Thank you for helping to keep others warm this winter.
Diaper Drive. The OMC Peace and Justice Committee will be will be collecting diapers and baby wipes from Saturday, January 23 through Sunday, January 31, 2021 for moms and children in need. Please bring your donations to the Church vestibule before weekend Masses or you may place your donation in the bin on the Oblate Residence porch. “That’s how you bring about a change in the world, one diaper at a time.”
OMC Blood Donation Drive: On Saturday, January 30, 2021 from 9 AM till 2 PM, OMC will again host a Red Cross Blood Donation Drive. Every 2 seconds, somewhere in the US, someone needs blood products – 38,000 units of blood daily. Available blood products save lives. The need is especially great this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Click HERE for information.
The donor registration process will be entirely online at the Red Cross web site click HERE to register. Use the “Sponsor Code” OurMotherCH. Donors should report to the Parish Hall at the exact time specified online for your donation, wearing a face mask. The number of donors allowed into the Parish Hall at any one time will be limited by the Red Cross to allow safe social distancing. If you arrive too early, you may be asked to wait outside the Hall to be called in (please bring your cell phone). Temperatures of all donors will be checked. Hand sanitizer will be available –please use it. Donations will be tested for COVID-19 antibodies and donors will receive their results.
Walking with Moms in Need: This month, Our Mother of Consolation Parish is beginning a new ministry entitled “Walking with Moms in Need: A Year of Service.” As part of a nationwide Catholic diocesan initiative aimed at helping pregnant women and parenting moms in need, OMC is launching this ministry to provide local assistance, social services, and resources to women who are pregnant or have a child and are looking for somewhere to turn for help. Do you have a resource or a gift that you might share? Are you a mother or a nurse, lactation consultant, doula or therapist? Are you willing to become part of a growing bank of resources that we will offer to these mothers in need? If so, contact Sister Christine at [email protected] or call 215-247-0430.
OMC Food Pantry: We are still collecting food for our sisters and brothers in need. You may leave your bags of non-perishable food items on the rectory porch whenever convenient. If you need food, or know of someone in need of food, please call the parish office 215-247-0430, press 7 when the auto-attendant service answers, and leave a message in the St. Vincent de Paul voice mail box. Thanks again, for helping us to meet the needs of our neighbors during this time of uncertainty and to our St Vincent de Paul Society for coordinating our efforts.
Caring for Friends – CFF (formerly Aid for Friends): Meals are still needed. You can drop off your frozen meals at the parish or a volunteer can pick them up from your home; please contact me to make arrangements. If you are interested in becoming involved as a volunteer cook, click HERE for information. This is a great opportunity for families to do service at home and to assist those in need. Laura McKenna, our OMC CFF coordinator, can assist you with getting you started. Click HERE to email Laura.
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 - 9:00 - 11:00* am *Livestream Weekday Mass Schedule Monday-Friday: 7:00 am |
9 E Chestnut Hill Ave - Philadelphia PA, 19118 Phone 215-247-0430 * Fax 215-247-2506 Copyright © 2015 |
Saturday: 3:30-4:00 pm First Friday Eucharistic Adoration October- June Exposition: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Vespers & Benediction: 5:30 pm |