Youth Ministry Monthly Update- February 2024
The last few months have flown by and I am excited to share with you what has been happening with Teen Ministry and what is coming up. We just finished a five week series on Genesis. The Real Story by Dr. Edward Sri and Curtis Martin provided the outline for each of our sessions as we discussed Creation, Noah, Abraham, Jacob and Joseph in the context of Salvation History. The series was broken up by a Bible study on the Psalms of Deliverance for Advent, our annual Christmas party, a service night for MLK Jr. Day, and a county wide night of adoration. Some of the teens also helped with the confirmation retreat for our 7th graders.
We now enter the final few months of the school year. Below are the upcoming events for the rest of February and for March. Teens in 8th through 12th grade are welcome to come as they are able. The largest expense for teen ministry is the cost of hospitality, especially providing dinner. Our weekly Sunday night dinners are an essential part of building community. Please consider providing a meal or making a donation to offset the cost. Click the button below to sign up or send me an email at [email protected]. Thank you to the parishioners who have already supported us especially those who do not have teens!
If you are interested in learning more about teen ministry or if you have ideas to help accompany the teens of our parish I would love to have a conversation with you.
-Paul Cillo
Parishioner and Youth Minister
We now enter the final few months of the school year. Below are the upcoming events for the rest of February and for March. Teens in 8th through 12th grade are welcome to come as they are able. The largest expense for teen ministry is the cost of hospitality, especially providing dinner. Our weekly Sunday night dinners are an essential part of building community. Please consider providing a meal or making a donation to offset the cost. Click the button below to sign up or send me an email at [email protected]. Thank you to the parishioners who have already supported us especially those who do not have teens!
If you are interested in learning more about teen ministry or if you have ideas to help accompany the teens of our parish I would love to have a conversation with you.
-Paul Cillo
Parishioner and Youth Minister
Did you know that each week we have a Gospel reflection written by one of our teens? You can receive these reflections every Friday at 2:00pm right to your email. Click here to sign up or reply if you would like to be added to the list.
Christmas Party - December 28th
While our Sunday nights typically focus on growing in community and in our faith, we always have a few social events throughout the year including three parties. Our Christmas party this year included, Christmas trivia, a gift exchange, minute to win games, and our saran wrapped prize ball.
Did you know that each week we have a Gospel reflection written by one of our teens? You can receive these reflections every Friday at 2:00pm right to your email. Click here to sign up or reply if you would like to be added to the list.
Christmas Party - December 28th
While our Sunday nights typically focus on growing in community and in our faith, we always have a few social events throughout the year including three parties. Our Christmas party this year included, Christmas trivia, a gift exchange, minute to win games, and our saran wrapped prize ball.
MLK Jr. Night of Service
On Sunday January 13th, instead of having dinner we made dinner. The teens cooked three different meals and filled 43 trays for caring for friends. They also wrote letters that were sent to parishioners on the Sick and Homebound list in support of our St. Vincent de Paul Society.
MLK Jr. Night of Service
On Sunday January 13th, instead of having dinner we made dinner. The teens cooked three different meals and filled 43 trays for caring for friends. They also wrote letters that were sent to parishioners on the Sick and Homebound list in support of our St. Vincent de Paul Society.
***Upcoming Events***
In Pursuit: Seeking the Moral Life
Starting in March, we will begin a four week Video series focused on Morality. Tanner Kalina and Marina Garcia go in search of answers to some of our biggest questions about living the moral life as disciples of Jesus. Rather than talking about the Dos and Don'ts, this series will encourage our teens to grapple with heaven, fulfillment, sin, redemption, healing, and freedom. They will be encourage to see Morality as connected to Seeking Forever, Seeking Fulfillment, Seeking Healing, and Seeking Freedom. |
Teen Ministry Parent Update
Now is the time when I start planning next year. Many teens are opting out of teen ministry as well as participating in our parish faith community in general. How can I better meet the needs (spiritual and otherwise) of your teen? Please let me know if you would like to discuss teen ministry as we prepare for our 5th year at OMC this Summer.
Please register your teens to receive regular updates and to allow them to also receive information.
Now is the time when I start planning next year. Many teens are opting out of teen ministry as well as participating in our parish faith community in general. How can I better meet the needs (spiritual and otherwise) of your teen? Please let me know if you would like to discuss teen ministry as we prepare for our 5th year at OMC this Summer.
Please register your teens to receive regular updates and to allow them to also receive information.
Questions or suggestions? Reply to this flocknote or email Paul at [email protected]
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 - 9:00 - 11:00* am *Livestream Weekday Mass Schedule Monday-Friday: 7:00 am |
9 E Chestnut Hill Ave - Philadelphia PA, 19118 Phone 215-247-0430 * Fax 215-247-2506 Copyright © 2015 |
Saturday: 3:30-4:00 pm First Friday Eucharistic Adoration October- June Exposition: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Vespers & Benediction: 5:30 pm |