Music Ministry |

The Music Ministry, comprised of vocalists and skilled instrumentalists, supports and enhances our liturgical prayer through music. An audition with the Director of Music as well as regular attendance at Parish liturgies and rehearsals, are required. Members of this ministry commit themselves to service at liturgies as part of the liturgical team.
Adult Choir - The Adult Choir leads the congregational singing and provides choral music weekly from mid-September to early June, on Sundays at the 11 AM Mass, and once a month at the Saturday 4:30 PM Mass. The choir also sings on Christmas Eve, the major services of the Paschal Triduum, special Feasts and Holy Days.
Teen Choir & Instrumentalists - Our teen music ministry sings at selected Saturday Masses throughout the year. Teen singers are invited to join us as we lead the congregation in prayerful worship through the use of our God-given musical talents. Students who play musical instruments are encouraged to join also. Practices are held on selected Saturdays throughout the year.
Youth Choir - The Parish Youth Choir sings at the 9 AM Mass once a month (September - June). The choir is comprised of students in grades 4-8 from the many schools our parishioners attend. They enjoy singing together, developing their vocal skills and leading the congregation in prayerful worship. Through singing, our Youth Choir members share their God-given talents with the community. Practices are held on selected Sunday mornings from 10-11 AM
Cantors - Cantors lead the Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamation during the weekend liturgies, funerals, weddings, and special liturgies and also act as song leaders. Cantors are chosen by the Director of Music based on their vocal, musical, and leadership skills, as well as availability. Cantors are normally scheduled on a rotating basis. Regular attendance at liturgies, periodic group training sessions, individual training/rehearsals as needed, and personal preparation are required.
Instrumentalists - Instrumentalists are skilled Parish musicians who serve on a regular basis and/or at special liturgies. All instrumentalists must be approved by the Director of Music. Regular attendance at liturgies for familiarity with Parish repertoire, attendance at rehearsals and personal preparation are required.
Adult Choir - The Adult Choir leads the congregational singing and provides choral music weekly from mid-September to early June, on Sundays at the 11 AM Mass, and once a month at the Saturday 4:30 PM Mass. The choir also sings on Christmas Eve, the major services of the Paschal Triduum, special Feasts and Holy Days.
Teen Choir & Instrumentalists - Our teen music ministry sings at selected Saturday Masses throughout the year. Teen singers are invited to join us as we lead the congregation in prayerful worship through the use of our God-given musical talents. Students who play musical instruments are encouraged to join also. Practices are held on selected Saturdays throughout the year.
Youth Choir - The Parish Youth Choir sings at the 9 AM Mass once a month (September - June). The choir is comprised of students in grades 4-8 from the many schools our parishioners attend. They enjoy singing together, developing their vocal skills and leading the congregation in prayerful worship. Through singing, our Youth Choir members share their God-given talents with the community. Practices are held on selected Sunday mornings from 10-11 AM
Cantors - Cantors lead the Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamation during the weekend liturgies, funerals, weddings, and special liturgies and also act as song leaders. Cantors are chosen by the Director of Music based on their vocal, musical, and leadership skills, as well as availability. Cantors are normally scheduled on a rotating basis. Regular attendance at liturgies, periodic group training sessions, individual training/rehearsals as needed, and personal preparation are required.
Instrumentalists - Instrumentalists are skilled Parish musicians who serve on a regular basis and/or at special liturgies. All instrumentalists must be approved by the Director of Music. Regular attendance at liturgies for familiarity with Parish repertoire, attendance at rehearsals and personal preparation are required.
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 - 9:00 - 11:00* am *Livestream Weekday Mass Schedule Monday-Friday: 7:00 am |
9 E Chestnut Hill Ave - Philadelphia PA, 19118 Phone 215-247-0430 * Fax 215-247-2506 Copyright © 2015 |
Saturday: 3:30-4:00 pm First Friday Eucharistic Adoration October- June Exposition: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Vespers & Benediction: 5:30 pm |