Liturgical Ministries |

The mission of all Liturgical Ministries of the parish is to acknowledge God’s presence in our preparation and celebration of the liturgy and to facilitate the prayer of the assembly. Through the coordinated efforts of all ministers, the Eucharistic Liturgy is enhanced and the assembly experiences being the Body of Christ as they worship God together. Parish catechesis in liturgy and the sacraments, theology, and formation of liturgical ministers are important components of this mission.
Individuals are asked to pray and discern the one liturgical ministry in which they will serve the community: Altar Server, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion during the Liturgy, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the Sick/Homebound, Lector, Music Minister, and Usher. All liturgical ministers are required to participate in training sessions before participation. In addition, ministers are strongly encouraged to attend a yearly retreat/training session to refresh and update their ministry. Using the Parish internet-based Ministry Web Terminal Scheduling Program, ministers update their profiles, determine their availability and their frequency of ministering. Other important liturgical ministries are the Altar Linen Caretakers, the Flower Committee and the Sacristans.
Altar Servers - Altar Servers prepare the altar for the celebration of the liturgy and assist the Presider during the liturgy. Anyone, 4th grade and older, is eligible. Typically, the time commitment will be service at one Mass monthly. Servers are usually assigned to the Mass they ordinarily attend, but this may vary depending on the number of altar servers.
Altar Server Coordinator - The Altar Server Coordinator assists in training new servers, in assigning servers for funerals and weddings, and in preparing servers for special Masses.
Lectors - Lectors proclaim the Scriptures at all liturgical celebrations in a manner that enables the assembly to understand and appreciate the beauty and rich content of the Word of God. They carry the Book of Gospels to the altar during the entrance procession, proclaim the First Reading, the Second Reading, and lead the General Intercessions. Those seeking to participate must have received all three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist. Ordinarily, the time commitment will be monthly but may vary depending on the number of lectors.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: The Bishop, priest, and deacon are the ordinary ministers of the Eucharist. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are members of the lay faithful who are recommended by the Pastor and appointed by the Bishop to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to a specific Parish community for a period of three years. Those seeking to participate must have received the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist.
Ushers - Ushers provide a welcoming presence and sense of hospitality. They are custodians of order, serving at the weekend liturgies as well as major feast days. They welcome and assist with seating parishioners, facilitate the presentation of the gifts, assist with the collection(s), and assist with the communion procession. After Mass, the ushers tidy up the Church by picking up loose prayer books and bulletins, placing lost items in the Church lost and found, and ensuring doors and windows are closed.
Altar Linen Caretakers - Altar Linen Caretakers wash and iron all linens used during liturgies and baptisms. The linens are picked up on Sunday and returned during the week. Instructions are provided for the proper care of the linens. Caretakers work on their own time. Frequency depends on the number of caretakers.
Flower Committee - The Flower Committee’s mission is to attend to the Church environment, preparing our worship space to reflect the Liturgical Seasons and foster our prayer and reflection on the beauty of God in creation. The time commitment varies throughout the year, increasing for the Seasons of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter, special Feasts, and important occasions in the life of the parish.
Sacristans - Sacristans are high school students or adults who prepare the vessels for the Eucharistic Celebration, set the altar, light candles and make sure that all is in order for the celebration of Mass.
Funeral Sacristan - Minister of Consolation - Ministers of Consolation prepare all necessary items that are used during the Funeral Mass and assist the priest (greeter, usher, lector, Eucharistic Minister) as needed. After the Mass, the Minister of Consolation ensures that the vessels are purified and that the Church is locked.
Eucharistic Adoration - Eucharistic Adoration is held on First Fridays, beginning immediately after the 7 AM Mass and continuing until 6 PM in the Oblate Chapel. Parishioners sign up for an hour of silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. According to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, “…The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth. Each moment that you spend with Jesus will deepen your union with Him and make your soul everlastingly more glorious in Heaven, and will bring about everlasting peace on earth.” Adoration provides a structured time schedule for one to grow in God’s love and to intercede for one’s own intentions and for the entire OMC Parish community, the church, and the world.
Individuals are asked to pray and discern the one liturgical ministry in which they will serve the community: Altar Server, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion during the Liturgy, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the Sick/Homebound, Lector, Music Minister, and Usher. All liturgical ministers are required to participate in training sessions before participation. In addition, ministers are strongly encouraged to attend a yearly retreat/training session to refresh and update their ministry. Using the Parish internet-based Ministry Web Terminal Scheduling Program, ministers update their profiles, determine their availability and their frequency of ministering. Other important liturgical ministries are the Altar Linen Caretakers, the Flower Committee and the Sacristans.
Altar Servers - Altar Servers prepare the altar for the celebration of the liturgy and assist the Presider during the liturgy. Anyone, 4th grade and older, is eligible. Typically, the time commitment will be service at one Mass monthly. Servers are usually assigned to the Mass they ordinarily attend, but this may vary depending on the number of altar servers.
Altar Server Coordinator - The Altar Server Coordinator assists in training new servers, in assigning servers for funerals and weddings, and in preparing servers for special Masses.
Lectors - Lectors proclaim the Scriptures at all liturgical celebrations in a manner that enables the assembly to understand and appreciate the beauty and rich content of the Word of God. They carry the Book of Gospels to the altar during the entrance procession, proclaim the First Reading, the Second Reading, and lead the General Intercessions. Those seeking to participate must have received all three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist. Ordinarily, the time commitment will be monthly but may vary depending on the number of lectors.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: The Bishop, priest, and deacon are the ordinary ministers of the Eucharist. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are members of the lay faithful who are recommended by the Pastor and appointed by the Bishop to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to a specific Parish community for a period of three years. Those seeking to participate must have received the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist.
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion during the Mass join the Presider in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly during liturgies. The time commitment will be monthly, but may vary depending on the number of Eucharistic Ministers.
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick & Homebound are confirmed adult members of the community who bring the Eucharist and “the Parish” to the sick confined to homes and Chestnut Hill Hospital.
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to Nursing Homes - Two-person teams visit the five area nursing homes on a weekly basis to pray the rosary and distribute Holy Communion to those able to attend a group session, and to those confined to their rooms. A monthly Mass is offered at each residence.
Ushers - Ushers provide a welcoming presence and sense of hospitality. They are custodians of order, serving at the weekend liturgies as well as major feast days. They welcome and assist with seating parishioners, facilitate the presentation of the gifts, assist with the collection(s), and assist with the communion procession. After Mass, the ushers tidy up the Church by picking up loose prayer books and bulletins, placing lost items in the Church lost and found, and ensuring doors and windows are closed.
Altar Linen Caretakers - Altar Linen Caretakers wash and iron all linens used during liturgies and baptisms. The linens are picked up on Sunday and returned during the week. Instructions are provided for the proper care of the linens. Caretakers work on their own time. Frequency depends on the number of caretakers.
Flower Committee - The Flower Committee’s mission is to attend to the Church environment, preparing our worship space to reflect the Liturgical Seasons and foster our prayer and reflection on the beauty of God in creation. The time commitment varies throughout the year, increasing for the Seasons of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter, special Feasts, and important occasions in the life of the parish.
Sacristans - Sacristans are high school students or adults who prepare the vessels for the Eucharistic Celebration, set the altar, light candles and make sure that all is in order for the celebration of Mass.
Funeral Sacristan - Minister of Consolation - Ministers of Consolation prepare all necessary items that are used during the Funeral Mass and assist the priest (greeter, usher, lector, Eucharistic Minister) as needed. After the Mass, the Minister of Consolation ensures that the vessels are purified and that the Church is locked.
Eucharistic Adoration - Eucharistic Adoration is held on First Fridays, beginning immediately after the 7 AM Mass and continuing until 6 PM in the Oblate Chapel. Parishioners sign up for an hour of silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. According to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, “…The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth. Each moment that you spend with Jesus will deepen your union with Him and make your soul everlastingly more glorious in Heaven, and will bring about everlasting peace on earth.” Adoration provides a structured time schedule for one to grow in God’s love and to intercede for one’s own intentions and for the entire OMC Parish community, the church, and the world.
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 - 9:00 - 11:00* am *Livestream Weekday Mass Schedule Monday-Friday: 7:00 am |
9 E Chestnut Hill Ave - Philadelphia PA, 19118 Phone 215-247-0430 * Fax 215-247-2506 Copyright © 2015 |
Saturday: 3:30-4:00 pm First Friday Eucharistic Adoration October- June Exposition: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Vespers & Benediction: 5:30 pm |