Guidelines for Mass at OMC - Modified Green Phase
The Green Phase of reopening allows up to 75% capacity for houses of worship, while maintaining the CDC social distancing recommendations. For OMC, this means that our capacity at Mass will remain at our current level about 25% (75-120 people). If needed, we will institute sign-up process for Mass, however, presently we only have an 8% attendance rate for all Masses.
OMC livestream 9:00 AM Mass. Click HERE to subscribe to OMC YouTube Channel
We ask everyone to follow these guidelines:
MASS SCHEDULE – Due to social distancing requirements the seating at Mass will be limited:
Please be assured that we will follow the guidelines from the CDC for sanitation as we resume public Masses. To view the CDC guidelines, visit: based.html. We have also taken the extra measure and have contracted with Atalina Global Services for an three-step disinfecting and sanitizing regimen for all surface areas in Church. In addition, we will disinfect high touch areas between Masses.
We are truly thrilled to welcome back our worshipping community as we resume the celebration of Mass. We will need to make adjustments as we implement these guidelines, which will give us all the opportunity to practice patience. Most importantly, however, we will be celebrating the Eucharist together.
The Green Phase of reopening allows up to 75% capacity for houses of worship, while maintaining the CDC social distancing recommendations. For OMC, this means that our capacity at Mass will remain at our current level about 25% (75-120 people). If needed, we will institute sign-up process for Mass, however, presently we only have an 8% attendance rate for all Masses.
OMC livestream 9:00 AM Mass. Click HERE to subscribe to OMC YouTube Channel
We ask everyone to follow these guidelines:
- The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays continues to be lifted during the Green Phase. For the spiritual and pastoral benefit of the faithful, several weeks notice will be provided as to when the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation will be reinstated by the Archbishop
- Since the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday continues to be lifted, you may choose to attend a weekday Mass (Monday – Friday).
- Those who are sick or compromised due to health conditions are not to come to church. Please stay home if you are sick.
- Those who are at risk are not to exercise liturgical ministries.
- If you feel uncomfortable attending Mass, please do not to attend.
- The bathroom is only be available for emergency use. Please see the usher for a key. You will need to wipe down & disinfect all surfaces after use. Parents are asked to accompany their children to the bathroom
- The Sunday 9:00 AM Mass will be live streamed via the OMC YouTube Channel. The recorded Sunday Mass will be available throughout the week.
MASS SCHEDULE – Due to social distancing requirements the seating at Mass will be limited:
- Weekday Mass: Monday thru Friday 7:00 AM
- Saturday Mass: The 8:00 AM Saturday Mass and confessions will NOT resume at this time.
- Sunday Mass : Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 PM - Sunday Masses 7:30 – 9:00 – 11:00 AM
- Confessions : Saturday 3:30 to 4:00 PM - Wednesday 7:00 to 8:00 PM
- Please wash your hands for 20 seconds using soap and water.
- When exiting your car, please put on a face mask or cloth covering.
- We ask you to use a face coverings throughout the entire Mass. Exceptions to this are “children younger than 2 years old, anyone who has trouble breathing, and anyone who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face covering without assistance” (CDC Guidelines).
- Missalettes & hymnals will not be in the pews during this period. You are welcome to bring your own missal/readings with you.
- Enter Church through the main doors ONLY. Please follow the directions of the ushers.
- Exit Church through the side doors ONLY
- The aisles will be one way: The center aisle towards the altar, the side aisles will be away from the altar. When exiting the Church, please use the side aisles and exit through the side doors. Kindly observe directional signs.
- Hand sanitizers will be available at the Church entrance, you may also bring your own.
- Single-use worship aids will be available as you enter church. Kindly take it home with you or dispose of it in the recycling bins at the exits. Please do not leave the worship aid in the pew.
- Parish bulletins will continue to be available electronically, there will be a few copies available for those who do not have internet.
- Please observe all posted signs about where you may sit. Every-other pew is be open to ensure proper social distancing. Pews are clearly marked.
- Members of the same household may sit together as normal. Otherwise, only one or two unrelated people to a pew with proper distancing.
- There will be a cantor and musician for Sunday Masses. Singing will be limited, and everyone is expected to continue to wear their face covering throughout Mass, especially when singing.
- There will be no offertory procession or collection . We urge you to continue the use of online giving or mailing your contribution to the parish office. A basket will be available in the back of Church for those who wish to bring their offering to Mass.
- There will be no physical contact during the Sign of Peace.\
- Communion with be distributed with reverence and care.
- Process up the center aisle, single file, observing social distancing as indicated on the floor markings.
- Please wait by the 1st pew as the person in front of you receives Communion.
- You are asked to receive Communion in the hand.
- Please leave you mask in place until the person in front of you has received Communion and has moved at least 6 feet away.
- If you receive Low-gluten hosts, please check-in at the sacristy.
- The Precious Blood will not be distributed.
- At the conclusion of Mass, please exit the Church using the side aisles and side doors only and proceed directly to your car.
- We ask that you leave your mask on until you get to your car.
Please be assured that we will follow the guidelines from the CDC for sanitation as we resume public Masses. To view the CDC guidelines, visit: based.html. We have also taken the extra measure and have contracted with Atalina Global Services for an three-step disinfecting and sanitizing regimen for all surface areas in Church. In addition, we will disinfect high touch areas between Masses.
We are truly thrilled to welcome back our worshipping community as we resume the celebration of Mass. We will need to make adjustments as we implement these guidelines, which will give us all the opportunity to practice patience. Most importantly, however, we will be celebrating the Eucharist together.
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 - 9:00 - 11:00* am *Livestream Weekday Mass Schedule Monday-Friday: 7:00 am |
9 E Chestnut Hill Ave - Philadelphia PA, 19118 Phone 215-247-0430 * Fax 215-247-2506 Copyright © 2015 |
Saturday: 3:30-4:00 pm First Friday Eucharistic Adoration October- June Exposition: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Vespers & Benediction: 5:30 pm |