Fall 2019 ~ OMC Adult Faith Formation

Peace & Justice Call:
Ministry of Accompaniment
Sunday, September 15 - 12:15 to 1:30 PM (Parish Hall)
The OMC Peace and Justice Committee accepted an invitation from Auxiliary Bishop Ed Deliman to attend and Archdiocesan meeting regarding immigration accompaniment. Close to two hundred persons from parishes throughout the Archdiocese heard the call to form teams to go with individuals and families to their immigration "check-ins" and/or hearings in immigration, family courts, etc. Opportunities to accompany are during "business hours" Monday through Friday with court hearings often scheduled at either 10 AM or 1 PM. Length of engagements may be an hour or two, or more. Team leaders receive notice of accompaniment requests, confirm availability for appointments, and coordinate with the parish team. Come attend a meeting and discover how you can make a difference in the lives of others. Please sign up by clicking the link on our homepage.
As Bishop Deliman said, "Now, more than ever, God's People need our help and the help of our parishioners... many of our new neighbors are in need of guidance as they strive to manage immigration questions... 'Accompaniment' would give them the spiritual and emotional support that they need as they confront issues around life, faith, and family."
Ministry of Accompaniment
Sunday, September 15 - 12:15 to 1:30 PM (Parish Hall)
The OMC Peace and Justice Committee accepted an invitation from Auxiliary Bishop Ed Deliman to attend and Archdiocesan meeting regarding immigration accompaniment. Close to two hundred persons from parishes throughout the Archdiocese heard the call to form teams to go with individuals and families to their immigration "check-ins" and/or hearings in immigration, family courts, etc. Opportunities to accompany are during "business hours" Monday through Friday with court hearings often scheduled at either 10 AM or 1 PM. Length of engagements may be an hour or two, or more. Team leaders receive notice of accompaniment requests, confirm availability for appointments, and coordinate with the parish team. Come attend a meeting and discover how you can make a difference in the lives of others. Please sign up by clicking the link on our homepage.
As Bishop Deliman said, "Now, more than ever, God's People need our help and the help of our parishioners... many of our new neighbors are in need of guidance as they strive to manage immigration questions... 'Accompaniment' would give them the spiritual and emotional support that they need as they confront issues around life, faith, and family."

Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton:
"Discovering the Hidden Ground of Love" (Book 4)
Meets Monday nights beginning Monday, September 23 - 7:00 to 8:30 PM
(Parish Center) September 23, 30, October 7, 14, 21, 28, November 4, 11, 18
Join with others in this faith sharing group using Scripture and the writing of Thomas Merton. Through reflection, dialogue, and prayer on specific themes, participants will be able to initiate a spiritual journey, recover a neglected one, and/or deepen an already vibrant spiritual life. What a wonderful way to move through the season of Autumn and grow more in touch with your faith life and your call to be a disciple! To register or for additional information contact Sister Christine at 215-247-0430 or [email protected] by September 16. Suggested book donation $6.
"Discovering the Hidden Ground of Love" (Book 4)
Meets Monday nights beginning Monday, September 23 - 7:00 to 8:30 PM
(Parish Center) September 23, 30, October 7, 14, 21, 28, November 4, 11, 18
Join with others in this faith sharing group using Scripture and the writing of Thomas Merton. Through reflection, dialogue, and prayer on specific themes, participants will be able to initiate a spiritual journey, recover a neglected one, and/or deepen an already vibrant spiritual life. What a wonderful way to move through the season of Autumn and grow more in touch with your faith life and your call to be a disciple! To register or for additional information contact Sister Christine at 215-247-0430 or [email protected] by September 16. Suggested book donation $6.
Fall Spiritual Book Group Gatherings
Meets Third Thursday of the Month, 7:30 to 9:00 PM (Parish Center)
This group is open to anyone who want to read a good book and join a discussion! You can come and go according to your schedule and the book you would like to read/discuss. Come as often you you desire and your schedule permits. No registration required... just show up and enjoy! All are welcome! (Note: All books can be purchased on Amazon or Kindle)
Meets Third Thursday of the Month, 7:30 to 9:00 PM (Parish Center)
This group is open to anyone who want to read a good book and join a discussion! You can come and go according to your schedule and the book you would like to read/discuss. Come as often you you desire and your schedule permits. No registration required... just show up and enjoy! All are welcome! (Note: All books can be purchased on Amazon or Kindle)
- September 19 ~ The Apostasy That Wasn't: The Extraordinary Story of the Unbreakable Early Church by Rod Bennett
- October 17 ~ The Case for Jesus: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ by Brant Pitrie
- November 21 ~ The Heart of the Matter by Graham Greene
- January 16 ~ School of Darkness by Bella Dodd
- February 20 ~ America's Bishop: The Life and Times of Fulton Sheen by Thomas Reeves
- March 19 ~ How Catholic Art Saved the Faith: The Triumph of Beauty and Truth in Counter Reformation Art by Elizabeth Lev

OMC "All Ages" Movie Event ~ Lilies of the Field
1963, US, 1 hr. 35 minutes. Director Ralph Nelson.
Writers James Poe (screenplay), William E. Barrett (novel)
Friday, September 27 ~ 6:00 PM in the Parish All
Welcome the beginning of fall with a screening of the film Lilies of the Field, starring Sidney Portier and Lilia Skala. Set in a rural Arizona town in the early 1960’s, the film introduces Homer Smith, a footloose U.S. Army veteran, and the community that draws him in for a mission specifically suited to his talents and personality. As the story evolves, a group of German nuns in this Mexican American community introduce an improbable project that needs a whole village to complete. We invite parishioners of all ages to join us for pizza, the film screening, and small group intergenerational discussions. Children have the option to wear their pajamas and bring sleeping bags if they wish. This event is co-sponsored by the Parish Movie Group and the School Ministry Spiritual Advocacy Program. To reserve your place, contact Paul Cillo, School Minister, at [email protected] or 215- 247- 1060 by Wednesday, September 25. Please join us an bring a friend! All are welcome!
OMC "All Ages" Movie Event ~ Lilies of the Field
1963, US, 1 hr. 35 minutes. Director Ralph Nelson.
Writers James Poe (screenplay), William E. Barrett (novel)
Friday, September 27 ~ 6:00 PM in the Parish All
Welcome the beginning of fall with a screening of the film Lilies of the Field, starring Sidney Portier and Lilia Skala. Set in a rural Arizona town in the early 1960’s, the film introduces Homer Smith, a footloose U.S. Army veteran, and the community that draws him in for a mission specifically suited to his talents and personality. As the story evolves, a group of German nuns in this Mexican American community introduce an improbable project that needs a whole village to complete. We invite parishioners of all ages to join us for pizza, the film screening, and small group intergenerational discussions. Children have the option to wear their pajamas and bring sleeping bags if they wish. This event is co-sponsored by the Parish Movie Group and the School Ministry Spiritual Advocacy Program. To reserve your place, contact Paul Cillo, School Minister, at [email protected] or 215- 247- 1060 by Wednesday, September 25. Please join us an bring a friend! All are welcome!

Grief and the Holidays: Surviving the Loss of a Loved One
Presenter: Sister Christine Konopelski, SSJ
Wednesday, November 6 ~ 7:00 to 8:30 PM (Parish Center)
Have you lost a loved one recently... or some time ago? Are you trying to figure out how you will survive this next holiday season? If so, come and rest for awhile and learn some things that may help support you during this difficult time. Be held in prayer and in the safety of others who have also felt a similar loss. Time for prayer, input, sharing, just being, and reverencing the gift of your loved one will be included within the evening. To register or for additional information, contact Sr. Christine at [email protected].
Presenter: Sister Christine Konopelski, SSJ
Wednesday, November 6 ~ 7:00 to 8:30 PM (Parish Center)
Have you lost a loved one recently... or some time ago? Are you trying to figure out how you will survive this next holiday season? If so, come and rest for awhile and learn some things that may help support you during this difficult time. Be held in prayer and in the safety of others who have also felt a similar loss. Time for prayer, input, sharing, just being, and reverencing the gift of your loved one will be included within the evening. To register or for additional information, contact Sr. Christine at [email protected].

Begin the Holy Season of Advent with a
Family Service Opportunity
Sunday, December 1 ~ 10:00 AM (Parish Hall)
Come as a family, as a couple, a single person.... young or old... all are welcome! Prepare food snack bags to be used in area shelters and for those who are home-bound. Add a little note of greeting and a small ornament to bring a smile to the face of those in need. Pre-Registration is required on or before Thursday, November 21. Contact Sister Christine at 215-247-0430 or [email protected].
Family Service Opportunity
Sunday, December 1 ~ 10:00 AM (Parish Hall)
Come as a family, as a couple, a single person.... young or old... all are welcome! Prepare food snack bags to be used in area shelters and for those who are home-bound. Add a little note of greeting and a small ornament to bring a smile to the face of those in need. Pre-Registration is required on or before Thursday, November 21. Contact Sister Christine at 215-247-0430 or [email protected].

Glassbrook Choral Ensemble Advent Concert
Sunday, December 15 ~ 7:30 PM (Church)
Allow music and song to be part of your preparation for the coming of Christ Christmas. Listen to the beauty of Advent music as sung by the Glassbrook Choral Ensemble. It will be a night to remember!
Sunday, December 15 ~ 7:30 PM (Church)
Allow music and song to be part of your preparation for the coming of Christ Christmas. Listen to the beauty of Advent music as sung by the Glassbrook Choral Ensemble. It will be a night to remember!

Advent Stillness... An Evening of Taize Prayer
Date To Be Announced ~ 7:00 PM (Church)
Enter into prayerful stillness and contemplation through this evening of Taize prayer and music. Come with hearts open to encounter Emmanuel, God with us! In the very depths of our soul, God is present and waiting.
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 - 9:00 - 11:00* am *Livestream Weekday Mass Schedule Monday-Friday: 7:00 am |
9 E Chestnut Hill Ave - Philadelphia PA, 19118 Phone 215-247-0430 * Fax 215-247-2506 Copyright © 2015 |
Saturday: 3:30-4:00 pm First Friday Eucharistic Adoration October- June Exposition: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Vespers & Benediction: 5:30 pm |