2020/2021 ~ OMC Adult Faith Formation
Lenten Small Communities of Faith
Don’t do Lent Alone! Join a Virtual Small Group!
“Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” Hebrews 10:24
Perhaps you’ve tried to pray more or study Scripture for Lent in the past, only to fall short of your goal. But what if you had a supportive community this time? Join a virtual small group via Zoom and be encouraged this Lent. Small groups are facilitated by fellow parishioners, and gather by Zoom this year to discuss life and faith, reflect on God’s Word together – applying the Sunday readings to daily life, and praying for and with one another. There are no teachers in small groups (except the Holy Spirit!), just friends seeking God together. Lenten groups meet for 8 weeks, beginning the week of February 7. Interested? Check out the Reach More page on our website! To register contact Sister Christine by January 30 at 215-247-0430 or [email protected]. All are welcome! Encourage a friend to join too!
Lenten Small Communities of Faith
Don’t do Lent Alone! Join a Virtual Small Group!
“Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” Hebrews 10:24
Perhaps you’ve tried to pray more or study Scripture for Lent in the past, only to fall short of your goal. But what if you had a supportive community this time? Join a virtual small group via Zoom and be encouraged this Lent. Small groups are facilitated by fellow parishioners, and gather by Zoom this year to discuss life and faith, reflect on God’s Word together – applying the Sunday readings to daily life, and praying for and with one another. There are no teachers in small groups (except the Holy Spirit!), just friends seeking God together. Lenten groups meet for 8 weeks, beginning the week of February 7. Interested? Check out the Reach More page on our website! To register contact Sister Christine by January 30 at 215-247-0430 or [email protected]. All are welcome! Encourage a friend to join too!
Two NEW Virtual Opportunities
for On-going Adult Faith Formation
Expand your knowledge and your horizons as you grow deeper in your faith and closer to God!
“EC Next Step”: Grow closer to God one step at a time!
This is an innovative discipleship tool which offers individuals an opportunity to deepen their spirituality and call to discipleship through short modules which include input, short videos, questions and reflections on arious topics. It is FREE and available to anyone through our parish Reach More subscription. To learn more and/or to sign visit ecnextstep.com.
Revive Courses: An opportunity to grow in our Baptismal Call to leadership!
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is grateful to partner with Revive Parishes, an organization that provides online ministry training for parish leaders taught by the best and most experienced Catholic ministry practitioners in the country. WE ARE ALL PARISH LEADERS by virtual of our Baptism. Revive provides individuals with a way to enrich their own ministry in our world and in our parish so that they can more effectively care for others and “be the presence of Christ in our world.” To learn more and to start of FREE course visit: www.archphila.org/revive.
for On-going Adult Faith Formation
Expand your knowledge and your horizons as you grow deeper in your faith and closer to God!
“EC Next Step”: Grow closer to God one step at a time!
This is an innovative discipleship tool which offers individuals an opportunity to deepen their spirituality and call to discipleship through short modules which include input, short videos, questions and reflections on arious topics. It is FREE and available to anyone through our parish Reach More subscription. To learn more and/or to sign visit ecnextstep.com.
Revive Courses: An opportunity to grow in our Baptismal Call to leadership!
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is grateful to partner with Revive Parishes, an organization that provides online ministry training for parish leaders taught by the best and most experienced Catholic ministry practitioners in the country. WE ARE ALL PARISH LEADERS by virtual of our Baptism. Revive provides individuals with a way to enrich their own ministry in our world and in our parish so that they can more effectively care for others and “be the presence of Christ in our world.” To learn more and to start of FREE course visit: www.archphila.org/revive.
Spiritual Book Group Gatherings
Meets Third Thursday of the Month, 7:30 to 9:00 PM (Parish Hall; Masks required)
This group is open to anyone who want to read a good book and join a discussion! You can come and go according to your schedule and the book you would like to read/discuss. Come as often you you desire and your schedule permits. No registration required... just show up and enjoy! All are welcome! (Note: All books can be purchased on Amazon or Kindle)
Meets Third Thursday of the Month, 7:30 to 9:00 PM (Parish Hall; Masks required)
This group is open to anyone who want to read a good book and join a discussion! You can come and go according to your schedule and the book you would like to read/discuss. Come as often you you desire and your schedule permits. No registration required... just show up and enjoy! All are welcome! (Note: All books can be purchased on Amazon or Kindle)
- September 17 ~ Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body by Scott Hahn
- October 15 ~ The Centurion: A Roman Soldier's Testament of the Passion of Christ by Leonard Wibberley
- November 19 ~ The Lighthouse by Michael O'Brien
- December 17 ~ Scripture Wars: Justin Martyr's Battle to Save the Old Testament for Christians by Rod Bennett (ZOOM)
- January 21 ~ Vibrant Paradoxes: The Both/And of Catholicism by Bishop Robert Barron
- February 18 ~ TBD
- March 18 ~ TBD
Grief and the Holidays: Surviving the Loss of a Loved One
Presenter: Sister Christine Konopelski, SSJ
Wednesday, November 18 ~ 7:00 to 8:30 PM (Parish Hall - Masks Required)
Have you lost a loved one recently... or some time ago? Are you trying to figure out how you will survive this next holiday season? If so, come and rest for awhile and learn some things that may help support you during this difficult time. Be held in prayer and in the safety of others who have also felt a similar loss. Time for prayer, input, sharing, just being, and reverencing the gift of your loved one will be included within the evening. To register or for additional information, contact Sr. Christine at [email protected].
Presenter: Sister Christine Konopelski, SSJ
Wednesday, November 18 ~ 7:00 to 8:30 PM (Parish Hall - Masks Required)
Have you lost a loved one recently... or some time ago? Are you trying to figure out how you will survive this next holiday season? If so, come and rest for awhile and learn some things that may help support you during this difficult time. Be held in prayer and in the safety of others who have also felt a similar loss. Time for prayer, input, sharing, just being, and reverencing the gift of your loved one will be included within the evening. To register or for additional information, contact Sr. Christine at [email protected].
Advent Stillness... An Evening of Taize Prayer
Tuesday, December 1 ~ 7:00 PM (Church - Masks Required)
Enter into prayerful stillness and contemplation through this evening of Taize prayer and music. Come with hearts open to encounter Emmanuel, God with us! In the very depths of our soul, God is present and waiting.
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 - 9:00 - 11:00* am *Livestream Weekday Mass Schedule Monday-Friday: 7:00 am |
9 E Chestnut Hill Ave - Philadelphia PA, 19118 Phone 215-247-0430 * Fax 215-247-2506 Copyright © 2015 |
Saturday: 3:30-4:00 pm First Friday Eucharistic Adoration October- June Exposition: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Vespers & Benediction: 5:30 pm |